Financial Lessons We Learned From Our Mothers

Where Our Behaviors and Practices Around Money Began


Team BT Reflects

In honor of Mother's Day, we reflect on the financial lessons we’ve learned from our mamas.  While we love ourselves some good money talk, there’s no doubt our moms’ actions spoke louder than words.  Read on to hear how the BT Moms Moms shaped their financial psychology and outlook about money and finance.  

“Growing up as the oldest of three children in a middle-class, blue-collar family, my mother always emphasized living within our means. While she encouraged me to start building good credit from an early age, she also preached about the importance of paying bills on time and only purchasing things you had money to pay for.”

-Carissa Jordan, Co-Founder of Benjamin Talks 


“My mother always emphasized the importance of education and love of learning. She was an accountant by trade but worked mostly for educational institutions. My mom lived by Ben Franklin’s well-known phrase, ‘an investment in knowledge pays the best dividends.’  (I guess the Ben Franklin apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!) She never spent money on herself for material things, and I remember her only real indulgence was buying an abundance of books (which she now does for her grandchildren!). She always demonstrated that when spending money you have a choice and should always consider the investment and long-term value for every dollar spent.”

-Nikki Boulukos, Co-Founder of Benjamin Talks


“I am the third of four children, and my mom always emphasized the value of time.  She worked as an airline stewardess until she gave birth to her second child, and then decided to become a stay-at-home mom.  While she deeply valued working, nothing was more important to her than her time at home with her kids.  As a mom now myself, I understand more than ever just how precious our time with family really is.”

-Alanna Weiss, Head of Social Media & Marketing of Benjamin Talks


“My mom quite literally embodies the giving spirit.  Her inherent generosity is second-to-none.  Nothing makes her happier than gifting the most thoughtful presents to those she loves, as well as those in need.  She has single handedly taught me the joy of gifting and giving to others.” 

-Emily Turilli, Editor-in-Chief of Benjamin Talks


What is the biggest money lesson you learned from your mom?  Have you shared it with your kiddos? 

What financial wisdom do you hope your kids will learn from you? 


An Introduction to Taxes for You and Your Child


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