Financial Literacy for Kids
The Benjamin Talks Library of Financial Literacy Guides
Welcome to The Vault, our collection of free guides that help you teach your child about money and finance. Browse by category or search for what you need.

In this guide you will learn why allowance for kids is an important part of financial literacy, how to approach giving an allowance to your child, and guidance on what they should do with their earnings to instill good money habits.
Here are 3 steps to teach your child about budgeting with real life examples of how children can practice their budgeting skills.
In this guide is a reminder about why allowance is important and how to revisit and refresh your child’s chore list.
This guide provides 5 tips to help keep your budget on track during holiday season. Two templates included: a giving budget and a gift request list.
The research on giving is clear: kids gain even more when they give. This guide explains why giving is important and how you can help your kids get in the giving spirit.
BT Founders featured on the No Silly Question's Podcast! Hear about their chat with Danielle Freilich and Jordana Fruchter on how Benjamin Talks is helping all families become financially fit and what parents can do to help their children learn about money and finance.
This guide will show you how to teach kids about tax in 3 steps using halloween candy as a teaching tool.
This guide explains how to teach your child about goods and services to build up their financial literacy skills and help them make good financial decisions in the future.
In this guide you will learn ways to teach your child the difference between needs and wants through explanation, budgeting, discussion and practice.
This guide provides tips to help encourage balanced giving habits in your child. Encouraging a healthy balance between giving, spending, and saving gives kids a good foundation in financial literacy and sets them up for future success.
This guide provides tips to help encourage better spending habits in your child by focusing on boundaries and a budget.
This guide provides tips to help your child balance their saving tendencies. While some level of frugality is healthy, tightfistedness can be a problematic approach to money so it’s important to help your kiddos find a balance.
In this guide, you will learn 3 areas to practice back to school budgeting with your child to help keep spending in check.
This guide provides 4 simple steps to help parents make the most out of vacation spending with their family.
Team BT sat down with entrepreneurs Luna and Maria to hear what inspired them to build a for-kids-only brand. Read on to hear about this inspiring team and the lessons they share.
This guide provides 5 questions to ask your child to encourage them to be more mindful about spending.
This guide covers how four of our BT kiddos have been motivated to start a small business in order to earn some extra cash.
This guide shares inspiring stories of entrepreneurs aged 7 - 25 to highlight how the next generation is using their talents, skills and ingenuity to create a career in a range of industries.
Help your child begin career exploration with the information in this guide that includes 4 prompts to help get the career conversation started.
Benjamin Talks worked with Castle Placement to discover young entrepreneurs with big business ideas. Read on to hear about impressive ideas from 4 young entrepreneurs.
Parents should take a moment to review a pay stub with their teenage earner to make sure he or she understands where that money is going. This guide provides details on how to do just that.
Team BT reflects on our first jobs and the important lessons we learned for our futures, financial and otherwise.
This is a guide to help you prepare your child to make good career choices by introducing some of the factors that grown-ups consider when they choose their career path..
When it comes to investing, time is money. The sooner kids get started, the more their money grows. Read this guide for our Investing 101, and start teaching your child about investing their money.
This guide explains 3 major US indices so you and your child will be able to follow the headlines and to stay up-to-date on the latest financial news. .
This guide explains the 3 most popular stock exchanges in the US, so you and your kids can have insight into the most popular trading marketplaces and can get a better grip on investing basics.
This guide explains 5 major large, market-moving individuals and institutions: Investment banks, hedge funds, asset managers, wealth managers and retail investors.
Here are Team BT’s top market terms for parents and their money-smart kids to know as they grow.
From opening investment accounts to helping your littles handle money to using a debit card, this guide provides details on when and how to use these tools to teach your child about money and finance.