Interview with Mom and Daughter Founders of Super Smalls

Hear what inspired this Dynamic Duo💎💎 to build their kids-only brand

images of mom and daughter founders of super smalls company

About Super Smalls

Super Smalls, founded by entrepreneurs Maria Dueñas Jacobs and her Kid-in-Chief Luna, has long been a favorite BT brand. Their glamorous jewels and gem-covered accessories ignite the imagination of kids and adults alike…and make the very best gifts for any fabulous occasion. We sat down with Luna and Maria to hear what inspired them to build a for-kids-only brand, one sparkle at a time.

Questions for Luna (Kid-in-Cheif)

What is the most important business lesson you have learned?

My mom always tells me to start small and think big. I’ve been around since the very beginning of Super Smalls, so I’ve seen what it takes to start from the ground up. It’s a lot of hard work! At first, I was even helping to pack the boxes! We’d make it fun, though. I’ve also learned a lot about things like cost of goods and margins. My mom says those are very important.

Who are some entrepreneurs you admire? And why?

My mom! We’re really good partners and I love learning from her. I think she’s a really good teacher. She says I’m her inspiration!

What advice would you give to a young entrepreneur just starting out?

It’s ok to be scared. My mom was pretty scared at first, too. But, you just have to be brave and try your best. It’s really cool to learn new things and my mom tells me that making mistakes is part of the process. She calls it “failing forward.” We also talk a lot about the importance of feedback. I’m really good at giving feedback!

Questions for Maria (Founder)

How did you help transform a creative vision into a thriving business?

A TON of research. I really believe in starting small, building out a framework, and experimenting from there. I think it’s important to flesh out your idea slowly, with as little capital as possible, and test the product market fit. Once you know what’s resonating with people, you have more freedom to iterate on it. You just have to start somewhere and have the courage to take that first leap!

Is there anything that you wish you had done differently when you were building your business?

Yes and no. If I had known how hard starting my own business would be, I’m not sure I would’ve had the guts to go through with it! So, in that sense, I almost believe ignorance is bliss. I’ve had to learn a lot just by going through it, running into things, and adjusting as we go. But if I could go back, I’d definitely read more about business before getting started. I recommend the book Self Made Boss by Jackie Reses and Lauren Weinberg - they do a great job of laying out all the steps and ALL the different factors to consider. There’s a lot of questions you have to ask yourself, because it’s not enough to just have a good idea. Building a business takes SO much more than just a good idea. I’m also very grateful to have my sister as my co-founder and business partner - we have very complementary skill sets and she keeps us going with the logistics and financial planning.

Do you have any advice for parents hoping to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in their children?

I think teaching them about the value of hard work is so important! Lead by example and show them how fun and rewarding it can be to create something. There’s also amazing resources out there. My girls love to watch Shark Tank with me and I’ve also played podcasts like How I Built This for them - they’re entertaining and educational, even for kids. My oldest daughter, Luna, really loved the Stacy’s Pita Chips episode and the Burt’s Bees episode. Also, if your kids are having a lemonade sale or are selling cookies, explain the concept of cost of goods to them. That’s a tangible lesson they’ll learn quickly when they see their profits decrease! 😂


Ready to bring out the entrepreneur in your child? Read our guide on Five Ways To Foster Your Mini Entrepreneur.

To shop Super Smalls exclusive designs, visit their website and follow here on Insta for some serious, but oh-so-fun, style inspiration.


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