Raising Children Who Care: How Spending, Saving and Giving Habits Impact the Earth

The Power Is Yours

How we spend, save and give our money can have a profound effect on our planet.  Our job is to raise children who care about how their spending habits impact the Earth.  As parents, we work hard to be intentional with our spending, saving and giving to show our children how even small financial decisions, when made collectively, can have meaningful implications for our environment.  

Spend: Teach Your Children to Spend Mindfully

From food to fashion, we make countless choices about where and how to spend our money.  With just a little bit of mindfulness, we can help our dollars do double-duty by supporting companies committed to sustainability while also instilling good spending habits in our children. 

Research The Companies you’re buying from

Just like some Wall Street investors choose to only put their money behind ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) conscious companies, regular consumers can shop with the same intention. Retail giants like Patagonia, Ikea, and Seventh Generation practice what they preach when it comes to protecting the environment, and the list of Earth-conscious brands grows by the day.  Just a little research can shed light on companies that make a difference. 

Discuss your Spending With your Child

If parents are making a concerted effort to support companies with a mission to be sustainable, the key is to make sure their kids know it.  As Benjamin Talks Co-Founder Nikki Boulukos says, “When I recently purchased a new Klean Kanteen water bottle, I explained to my kindergartener that this stainless steel bottle will help cut back on single-use plastic.  My little nature-lover was especially impressed when I told him that a portion of every sale goes to a charity that protects the Earth.”  Narrate your spending so your Budding Benjis will grow up knowing that their financial decisions, no matter how big or small, can make a difference.  Good money spending habits for your child starts with you!

Save: Teach Your Children Practical Ways to Save

Fast fashion is killing the environment.  Clothing production accounts for a full 10% of global carbon emissions, pollutes rivers, streams and oceans with microplastics and dries up major water sources due to excessive consumption.  As consumers purchase more and more items to fill their closets (many of which are barely worn!), 85% of all textiles ultimately end up in landfills each year. 

Our simple solution? Save money AND the Earth by being hand-me-down masters.  The BT Moms practice this good spending habit and constantly pass clothing between siblings, cousins and friends to ensure that we get the most wear out of each and every piece of our kiddies’ apparel.  By forgoing fast fashion and focusing on quality over quantity, our kids’ clothes tend to withstand the inevitable wear and tear of playtime.  Our goal?  We purchase fewer items at higher quality so the pieces can cycle through multiple owners before being retired years down the line.  No one loves a large labeled bin of outgrown kiddie clothes more than we do...and our wallets and the Earth thank us.  

Give: Teach Your Children to Give Back

Kids inherently love nature and want to preserve it.  When it comes to giving, it’s natural to point them to organizations committed to protecting the Earth.  The BT Kids have put their allowance dollars to use on environmental causes ranging from reforestation to clean water initiatives.  As moms, we know that when our kids' charitable efforts reflect their inherent interests, they are reinforcing good spending habits and their "giving glow" is that much brighter. 

“A few years ago, my oldest read a book about endangered species and realized National Panda Day fell on his birthday.  As an annual birthday gift, we started adopting a Panda in his name through the World Wildlife Fund.  It is the highlight of his special day each and every year,” says Carissa Jordan, Benjamin Talks Co-Founder.  Importantly, we’ve also shown our kids how giving our time can be equally impactful.  Not spending is also a good spending habit! From big efforts like cleaning up our beaches to small endeavors like recycling used crayons, we’ve noticed that any time spent together to protect the Earth leaves a lasting impression on our littles.  

As the next generation comes of age, it’s critical that we teach our children how impactful their financial choices are on the environment.  Our goal is to raise kids who care about how their spending habits affect the Earth and feel empowered to make a difference.  As Captain Planet says, “The power is yours!”


The Psychology Behind Your Kids' Spending and Saving Habits


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